Tuesday, September 28, 2010

SAVOUR Muskoka's Upcoming Agriculture Workshops Filling Quickly

SAVOUR Muskoka recently announced the approval for funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) for the execution of various educational farming workshops that will be offered to the local community. Workshops will focus on various topics and serve to educate community members and raise community awareness of the vast amount of food related resources and products that the local communities have to offer.

SAVOUR Muskoka discovered a growing interest and enthusiasm for farming, information meetings, and educational opportunities that foster farm growth through a pilot project that was launched in 2008/2009. The project, titled “Growing Your Own Mushrooms”, developed in coordination with SAVOUR director Jack Hay of Moonbay Shiitake, showed great interest with participation and proved to be successful after four new mushroom farms emerged in the region, all direct results from the workshops themselves.

At this time, SAVOUR is set to offer five workshops in and around the Muskoka region throughout the fall season. These include:

SAV 108: Growing Garlic (Sunday, Oct. 3 from 10am-1pm at Brooklands Farm in Milford Bay)

SAV 105: Introduction to Growing Shiitake Mushrooms (Saturday, Oct. 9 from 12pm-2:30pm at the McKellar Farmer’s Market)

SAV 115: Mixed Farming (Sunday, Oct. 24 from 1pm to 4pm at Grenville Farms in Severn Bridge)

SAV 114: Raising Poultry (Saturday, Oct. 30 from 1pm to 4pm at The Donkey’s Shack & Feedstore in Gravenhurst)

SAV 107: Canning and Preserving (Sunday November 7 from 1pm to 4pm at the Mark O’Mara Clubhouse at Delta Grandview in Huntsville)

Workshops are filling up quickly, so sign up today by contacting Sarah Copfer, Membership Representative at 705-646-7118 or by email at admin@savourmuskoka.com.